All applicants must sign this application and personally provide proper identification to the property manager or rental representative. The applicant(s) represent(s) that they are 18 years of age or older at the time of submitting this rental application. All applicants understand and agree that any and all pets they may have during their tenancy meet the criteria outlined within the by-laws of the city, which they are applying to reside in. All applicants understand that the Landlord or Landlord's representative may ask for the removal of any pets should they be a cause for health and/or safety concerns. All pets must be declared to the Landlord or the Landlord's representative.
The applicant(s) hereby consent to the obtaining of any information from their past, present or future employer, landlord, creditors, bank or credit reporting agency which the Landlord may require at any time, in connection with the tenancy hereby applied for, or a renewal or extension thereof and to the disclosure of any information concerning to any credit reporting agency. The applicant(s) hereby declare that the following information is truthful and complete and that any discrepancies will render the application and tenancy null and void.
The rental deposit provided to the Landlord is non refundable should the applicant request a cancellation after date of application's final acceptance. The tenant is advised to have insurance coverage for liability, and on their personal contents against fire, theft and water damage.