* required
Apartment Information
Personal Information
Other Proposed Occupants
Present Address
Previous Address
Occupational Information
Vehicle Information
Emergency Contact
Pet Information
Attached Documents
Finalize Application


The Applicant(s) consents to the Landlord obtaining credit, personal and employment information on the Applicant(s) from one or more consumer reporting agencies and from other such sources of such information. The Applicant(s) authorizes the reporting agencies and any other person, including personnel from any government ministry or agency, to discuss relevant information about the Applicant(s) to the Landlord. If this application is accepted, the Applicant(s) understands that the above information will also be used and disclosed for responding to emergencies, ensuring the orderly management of the tenancy and complying with legal requirements.

I have answered all of the questions truthfully to the best of my ability. *
I/We understand the Landlord is not responsible for tenants’ possessions. If application is accepted tenant must carry tenants’ insurance covering possessions and protecting against liability. *
I/We agree to provide landlord with pre authorized payment options such as void cheque, direct deposit form or post dated cheques for the monthly rent prior to moving in.
I/We understand that a credit check will be performed prior to being considered as a tenant

By signing this form, you are giving your consent that if you are approved for the apartment and then back out, you will forfeit the security deposit you've already given.

Thank you for filling out our application. Once it is received and reviewed we will contact you to discuss your application and determine if we have any further questions and whether we have an apartment that is suitable and available for your desired move-in date. As well we prefer to meet you first so if you have not already visited the property please call the manager directly to arrange an appointment.